Monday, March 5, 2012

Difference b/w Crystalline & Amorphous Solids

Difference b/w Crystalline & Amorphous Solids

Crystalline Solid
Amorphous Solid
Particles of crystalline solids are arranged in an orderly three dimensional network called crystal, hence they have definite shape.
Particles of amorphous solids are not arranged in a definite pattern, hence they do not have a definite shape.
Melting Point
Crystalline solids have sharp melting point, this is because attractive forces between particles long range and uniform.
Amorphous solids melt over a wide range of temperature i.e. they do not have sharp melting point, because the inter-molecular forces vary from place  to place
The breakage of a big crystal into smaller crystals of identical shape is called cleavage. Crystals cleavage along particular direction.

Amorphous solids do not break down at fixed cleavage planes.
Anisotropy & Isotropy
Physical properties of crystals such as electrical conductivity, refractive index, , are different in different direction. This property is called Anisotropy. For Example Graphite can conduct electricity parallel to its plane of layers but not perpendicular to plane.

Amorphous solids are isotropic, i.e. their physical properties are same in directions.


When crystalline solids, are rotated about an axis their appearance does not change i.e. they possess symmetry.

Amorphous solids are not symmetrical.

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