Thursday, December 22, 2011


1. The charge on an electron is __________.

A . -2.46 x 104 coulombs  
B.  -1.6 x 10-19 coulombs 
C.  1.6 x 10-9coulombs)
2. The maximum number of electrons that can accommodated by a p-orbital is __________.
B. 6                                                   
C. 10
3. A proton is ______ ____.
A. a helium ion                 
B.  a positively charged particle of mass 1.67 x 10-27 kg
C . a positively charged particle of mass 1/1837 that of Hydrogen atom
4. Most penetrating radiation of a radioactive element is __________.
β –rays           
C.  ϒ-rays)
5. The fundamental particles of an atom are __________.
A. Electrons and protons              
B.  electrons and neutrons           
C.  Electrons, Protons, Neutrons
6. The fundamental particles of an atoms are __________.
A.The number of protons             
B. The number of neutrons          
C. The sum of protons and neutrons
7. “No two electrons in the same atoms can have identical set of four quantum numbers.” This statement is known as __________.
A. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle        
B.  Hund’s Rule                 
C. Aufbau Rule
8. __________ has the highest electro negativity value.
A. Fluorine                         
B. Chlorine                                       
C. Bromine 
9. Principle Quantum number describes __________.

A. Shape of orbital           B. size of the orbital                        C.  Spin of electron in the orbital

10. Canal rays are produced from __________.
A. Anode                            
B. Cathode                                       
C.  Ionization of gas in the discharge tube
11. Electromagnetic radiation produce from nuclear reactions are known as __________.
β –rays                                         
C.  ϒ-rays)
12. Cathode rays consist of __________.
B. Protons          
C.  Positrons
13. The properties of cathode rays __________ upon the nature of the gas inside the tube.
A. Depend          
B.Partially depend           
C. Do not depend
14. Anode rays consists of __________ particles.
B. Positive          
C. Neutral           
15. Atomic mass of an element is equal to the sum of __________.
A.Electrons and protons               
B. Protons and neutrons
C. Electrons and neutrons
16. Neutrons were discovered by __________.
B. Dalton            
C.  Chadwick
17. The value of Plank’s constant is __________.
A6.626 x 10-34,                 
B. 6.023 x 1024                   
C. 1.667 x 10-28
18. P-orbitals are __________ in shape.
A.  Spherical                      
B. Diagonal                       
C.Dumb bell

19. The removal of an electron from an atom in gaseous state is called __________.

A. Ionization energy                        B. Electron Affinity                         C.  Electronegativity

20. The energy released when an electron is added to an atom in the gaseous state is called __________.
A. Ionization Potential                   
B. Electron Affinity                         
C.  Electronegativity
21. The power of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons is called __________.
A. Ionization Potential                   
B.  Electron Affinity                        
C.  Electro negativity
22. Electro negativity of Fluorine is arbitrarily fixed as __________.
A. 2                      
B.  3                     
C.  4
23. The energy difference between the shells goes on __________ when moved away from the nucleus.
A. Increasing                     
B.  Decreasing                  
C. Equalizing
24. __________ discovered that the nucleus of an atom is positively charged.
A. William Crooke’s                       
B.  Rutherford                  
C. Dalton
25. Isotopes are atoms having same __________ but different __________.
A. Atomic weight                            
B.  Atomic number                         
C.  Avogadro’s Number
26. __________ consists of Helium Nuclei or Helium ion (He++).
A. α-rays                            
β –rays                          
C.  ϒ-rays)
27. The angular momentum of an electron revolving around the nucleus of atom is __________.
A.  nh/2
B.  n2h2/2π                        
C.  nh3/3π
28. The wavelengths of X-rays are mathematically related to the __________ of anticathode element.
A. Atomic weight                            
B. Atomic number                          
C.  Avogadro’s number

29. Lyman Series of spectral lines appear in the __________ portion of spectrum.
A. Ultraviolet                    
B.  Infra red                       
C.  Visible
30. According to __________ electrons are always filled in order of increasing energy.
A. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle                       
B. Uncertainty Principle                
C.  Aufbau Principle
31. __________ quantum number describes the shape of a molecule.
(Pricipal, Azimuthal, Spin)

32. An orbital can have the maximum number of two electrons but with opposite spin, it is called __________.
(Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s Rule, Aufbau Principle)
33. When a-particle is emitted from the nucleus of radioactive element, the mass number of the atom __________.
(Increases, Decreases, Does not change)
34. The e/m ratio of cathode rays is the __________ when Hydrogen is taken in the discharge tube.
(Lowest, Highest)
35. The negative ion tends to expand with the __________ of negative change on it.
(Decreases, Increases)
36. Ionic compounds have __________ melting points.
(Low, High)
37. Absolute Zero is equal to __________.
(273.16°C, -273.16°C)
38. The compounds having hydrogen bond generally have __________ boiling points.
(High, Low)
39. The shorter the bond length in a molecule, the __________ will be bond energy.
(Lesser, Greater)
40. Positive rays are produced from __________.
(anode, Cathode, Ionization of gas in a discharge tube)
41. __________ of the following contains the fewer number of molecules.
(1 gm of hydrogen, 4 gm of oxygen, 2 gm of nitrogen)
42. When a substance that has absorbed energy emits it in the form of radiation the spectrum obtained is __________.
(Continuous Spectrum, Line Spectrum, Emission Spectrum)
43. __________ of the overlap forms strong bond.
(S-S, P-S, P-P)
44. __________ compound has a greater angle between a covalent bond.
(H2O, NH3, CO2)

45. An Azimuthal Quantum Number describes the __________.
(size of an atom, shape of an orbital, spin of orbital)
46. The formula, which gives the simple ratio of each kind of atoms present in the molecule of compound, is called __________.
(Molecular Formula, Empirical Formula, Structural Formula)
47. The formula, which expresses the actual number of each kind of atom present in the molecule of a compound, is called __________.
(Empirical Formula, Molecular Formula, Structural Formula)
48. Mole is a quantity, which has __________ particles of the substance.
(One billion, 6.02 x 1023, 1.013 x 105)
49. The simplest formula of a compound that contain 81.8% carbon and 18.2% hydrogen is __________.
(CH3, CH, C2H6)
50. The empirical Formula of a compound __________.
(is always the same as the molecular formula, Indicates the exact composition, Indicates the simplest ratio of the atoms)
51. Two moles of water contains __________ molecules.
(6.02 x 1023, 1.204 x 1024, 3.01 x 1023)
52. One mole of Cl- ions contains __________ ions.
(6.02 x 1023, 1.204 x 1024, 3.01 x 1023)
53. 220 gms of CO2 contains __________ moles of CO2.
(One, Five, Ten)
54. The average weight of atoms of an element as compared to the weight of one atom of carbon taken as __________ is called the atomic weight.
(12, 13, 14)

55. 18.0 a.m.u is the __________ weight of water.
(Atomic, Formula, Molecular)
56. 28 gms of nitrogen will have __________ molecules.
(6.02 x 1023, 12.04 x 1023, 3.01 x 1023)
57. 22.4 dm3 of CO2 is __________ 22.4 dm3 of SO2.
(Heavier than, Lighter than, Equal to)
58. 100 gms of water is equal to __________ moles.
(5.56, 27.78, 6.25)
59. Molecular weight is used for __________ substances.
(Ionic, Non ionic, Neutral)
60. Formula weight is used for __________ substances.
(Ionic, Non ionic, Neutral)

61. One mole of glucose contains __________ gms.
(100, 180, 342)

62. __________ was the first scientist who expressed a relation between pressure and the volume of a gas.
(Charles, Boyle, Avogadro)
63. If the pressure upon a gas confined in a vessel varies, the temperature remaining same, the volume will __________.
(Vary directly as the pressure, Vary inversely as the temperature, Vary inversely as the pressure)
64. The statement concerning the relation of temperature to the volume of a gas under fixed pressure was first synthesized by __________.
(Boyle, Charles, Avogadro)
65. The temperature at which the volume of a gas theoretically becomes zero is called __________.
(Transition temperature, Critical Temperature, Absolute Zero)
66. Gases deviate from ideal behaviour at __________ pressure and __________ temperature.
(Low, High, Normal)
67. Very low temperature can by produced by the __________ of gases.
(Expansionn, Contraction, Compression)
68.       11. 273°K = __________
(100°C, 273°C, 0°C)
69. -273°C is equal to __________.
(0°K, 273°K, 100°K)
70. The freezing point of water in Fahrenheit scale is __________.
(0°F, 32°F, 212°F)
71. All gases change to solid before reaching to __________.
(-100°C, 0°C, -273°C)
72. Pressure of the gas is due __________ of the molecules on the wall of the vessel.
(Collisionns, Attraction, Repulsion)
73. Boiling point of water in absolute scale is __________.
(212°K, 100°K, 373°K)
74. Boyle’s Law relates __________.
(Pressure and volume, Temperature and volume, Pressure and temperature)
75. Charles Law deals with __________ relationship.
(temperature and volume, pressure and volume, temperature and pressure)
76. According to __________ equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules.
(Graham’s Law, Avogadro’s Law, Dalton’s Law)
77. The boiling point of pure water is __________.
(32°C, 100°F, 373°K)
78. The gases which strictly obey the gas laws are called __________.
(Ideal gases, Permanent gases, Absolute gases)
79. Lighter gas diffuse __________ than the heavier gases.
(More readily, Less readily, Very slowly)

80.         The energy required to break a chemical bond to form neutral atoms is called __________.
(Ionization Potential, Electron Affinity, Bond Energy)
82. The chemical bond present in H-Cl is __________.
(Non Polar, Polar Covalent, Electrovalent)
83. A polar covalent bond is formed between two atoms when the difference between their E.N values is __________.
(Equal to 1.7, less than 1.7, More than 1.7)
84. The most polar covalent bond out of the following is __________.
(H-Cl, H-F, H-I)
85. __________ bond is one in which an electron has been completely transferred from one atom to another.
(Ionic, Covalent, co-ordinate)
86. __________ bond is one in which an electron pair is shared equally between the two atoms.
(Ionic, Covalent, Co-ordinate)
87. Bond angle in the molecule of CH4 is of __________.
(120°, 109.5°, 180°)
88. The sigma bond is __________ than pi bond.
(Weaker, Stronger, Unstable)
89. The sp3 orbitals are __________ in shape.
(Tetrahedral, Trigonal, Diagonal)
90. The shape of CH4 molecule is __________.
(Tetrahedral, Trigonal, Diagonal)
91. The bond in Cl2 is __________.
(Non polar, Polar, Electrovalent)
92. Water is __________ molecule.
(None polar, Polar, Electrovalent)
93. Covalent bonds in which electron pair are shared equally between the two atoms is called __________ covalent bond.
(Non polar, Polar, Co-ordinate)
95. Each carbon atom in CH4 is __________ hybridized.
(Sp3, Sp2, Sp)
96. Each carbon atom in C2H4 is __________ hybridized.
(Sp3, Sp2, Sp)
97. Each carbon atom in C2H2 is __________ hybridized.
(Sp3, Sp2, Sp)
98. Oxygen atom in H2O has __________ unshared electron pair.
(One, two , three)
99. Nitrogen atom in NH3 has __________ unshared electron pair.
(One, two, three)
100. The cloud of charge that surrounds two or more nuclei is called __________ orbital.

(Atomic, Molecular, Hybrid)

101. A substance, which is highly attracted by a magnetic field, is called __________.
(Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic)
102. HF exists in liquid due to __________.
(Vander Waal Forces, Hydrogen bond, covalent Bond)
103. Best hydrogen bonding is found in __________
(HF, HCl, HI)
104. Shape of CCl4 molecule is __________.
(tetrahedral, Trigonal, Diagonal)
105. __________ bond is formed due to linear overlap.
(Sigma bond, Pi bond, Hydrogen bond)
106. __________ is defined as the quantity of energy required to break one mole of covalent in gaseous state.
(Bond energy, Ionization energy, Energy of Activation)
107. Repulsive force between electron pair in a molecule is maximum when it has an angle of __________.
(120°, 109.5°, 180°)

108. The sum of total number of electrons pairs (bonding and lone pairs) is called __________.
(Atomic Number, Avogadro’s Number, Steric Number)
109. Shape of __________ molecule is tetrahedral.
(BaCl2, BF3, NH3)

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