Short Question
Class :XI Chapter:
Atomic Structure
1-What are the weaknesses of Rutherford ’s
atomic theory?
How have these defects been removed
by Bohr’s atomic theory.
2-Determine an expression for the
radius of hydrogen atom by applying Bohr’s atomic theory.
3-Calculate the radius of second
orbit of hydrogen atom in Angstrom unit.
4-Derive an expression of radius
of nth orbit of hydrogen atom.
5-Discuss the weakness of Rutherford atomic model.
6-Give the characteristic properties
of alpha (a)
7-Calculate the radius of orbit of 3rd
for a hydrogen atom in angstrom unit.
8-Explain Pauli Exclusion
9-What information is obtained
from the cathode rays experiment about the structure of atom? Describe the
properties of cathode rays.
10-Calculate the wave number of
spectral line of hydrogen when an electron jumps from n = 4 to n = 2 (RH =
11-State and explain Hund’s Rule.
12-Select the correct answer for
Which quantum number describes the shape of an orbital?
Principle quantum number
Azmuthal quantum number.
13- Write the short note on
Electro negativity
Pauli Exclusion principle
14-Define Radio
activity. Describe the Characteristic of Alpha OR Gamma
15-Write down the postulates of Bohr’s Atomic theory and derive the
expression of radius of hydrogen atom.
16- Define spectrum and discuss line
17 -What rule and principles are
violated in the following electronic
1S2, 2S3
1S2, 2P2
1S2, 2S2, 2P6, 3S2,
3P6, 3d4
18) Draw the shape of the orbital for
which 1 = 0
19-Make the correct sequence of
orbital for the electronic configuration. According to (n+1) rule.
20- What are cathode rays? How are
their properties proved?
21- How was the presence of proton
detected and what are their
22-Write a short note on Radio
activity or spectroscopy.
23- Define the following.
Pauli Exclusion Principle
Hund’s Rule
Quantum number
24- What are assumptions of Bohr’s Atomic theory? How does this theory
account for hydrogen spectrum?
25- Start from
K.E = ½ mv2 P.E. = -Ze2
Derive an expression for
energy of an electron in nth orbit of hydrogen
26-(i) Bohr’s radius is 0.529 A0.
Find the radius of 3rd orbit of Hydrogen atom.
(ii) Complete 4Be9 + 2He4
® 6C + 6n1
(iii) Which rule
and principle is violated in
1S2, 2S2, Px
27Write the short note:
Pauli Exculsion principle
X-rays and atomic number
28- What are defects in Rutherford ’s atomic model?
29- What happens when a current of
high voltage is passes through gases at low pressure in the discharge tube?
Prove that these rays.
Travel in straight line
Are material in nature?
Are electrons
31- Draw the shape of the s and p-
32- Write the electronic
configuration of the following:
Cr (Z = 24) (ii) Cl1- (Z = 17)
33- Write down the name of the
spectral lines of a hydrogen atom.
34- (i)
How were neutron discovered? Give the reaction.
Compare the properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays.
35- Write shot note on any two of the
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle
Ionization potential
Line spectrum
36- Describe Rutherford ’s
nuclear model of an atom with conclusions.
37- Derive an expression for the
radius of Bhor’s orbit.
38- What are
cathode rays? How are they produced? Discuss their
39- Give the number of proton, neutron and electron for the following.
24 39
12Mg and
40- Write down the electronic
configuration of:
(Z = 24) Li1+ (Z = 3) and F1- (Z = 9)
41- Write True of False.
Both the electrons in a helium atom have the same set
of all the four quantum number.
Alpha particle is helium nuclei.
42- Derive the expression for the energy of an electron in nth
orbit of Hydrogen atom; given that:
h2 ,
K.E. = Ze2 , P.E = -Ze2
4p 2m Ze2 2r r
4p 2m Ze2 2r r
43-Calculate the following:
The angular momentum of the electron in the first
energy level of hydrogen atom (Plank’s constant h= 6.625 * 10-27)
The wave number of radiation emitted in Lyman series of
hydrogen atom when electron jumps from 2nd to 1st
orbit (RH = 109678cm1-)
The radius of the third orbit of hydrogen atom using
Bohr’s radius (ao = 0.529
44- Write down the electronic
configuration of:
29Cu 19K1+ 8O2-
45- Define cathode rays. Give at least
six properties of the cathode rays.
46- Differentiate the following:
Lyman and · Balmer series
47- Describe Rutherford ’s atomic model
and explain its basic assumptions and defects.
48- Describe the experiment, explaining the
passage of electricity through Gases at low pressure.
49- Explain any two of the following:
Quantum Number
X-rays and Atomic Number
Electron Affinity
50-Write down the
electronic configuration for the ground state of the following:
Z = 19 , Z = 21 , Z = 6
51- Give the number of proton,
neutron and electron for the following.
23 32 19 31
11Na 16S 9F 15P
52- Derive and expression for the radius of Bhor’s orbit.
53- What principle and rule
are followed in the electronic configuration of Atom?
54-What are the
shape of the orbital for which 1 = 0, and 1 = 1?
between natural and artificial radioactivity.
56- Fill in the blanks.
The electronic configuration of N(1S2, 2S2, Px¯,
Show deviation form the ___________ rule.
Isoelecetonic ions have different number of protons but the
same number of
57- Write
the postulates of Bohr’s Atomic Theory. Derive an expression for the energy of
electron in an atom.
58- Differentiate between the following:
(i) Principal Quantum Number and Azimuthal
Quantum Number.
(ii) Continous Spectrum and Line Spectrum.
59- (i) Write
the electronic configuration of:
13Al+3 (b) 29Cu (c) 17Cl-1
(ii) Complete the equation:
+ 2He4 _________
+ ________

1s, 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz
60- State and explain the following:
(i) Pauli’s Exclusion Principle.
(ii) (n + 1) Rule.
(iii) Cathode Rays and their Properties.
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